University Strategy
Beginning with NSF-sponsored studies of the role of universities in innovation our team then engaged universities in the competitiveness strategies of their surrounding regions globally. These initiatives led to university-specific projects to strengthen universities as engines of the economy. These efforts assessed current impacts of university education and training, research and operations and from there shaped new “bridges” to the marketplace that generate increased visibility of university impacts, new sources of revenue from innovation, and, expanded growth of the surrounding economy. |
NSF-Role of Universities in Innovation & Economic Development
Assoc. of State Colleges & Universities (Economic Development Roles)
British Columbia Higher Education Life Sciences Strategy
California State University System (24 Campus Impacts)
Case Western, CSU & Cuyahoga CC (Regional Strategy)
Innovation Ottawa (Strategy) |
New Jersey Innovation Triangle (NJIT, Princeton, Rutgers)
New York State (Evaluation of CAT Program)
San Diego State University (Impact)
UC System Economic (10 Campus Impacts)
University of Madrid/Complutense (Strategy) |
Institute Strategy
Research, development and commercialization institutions are crucial bridges between academic science and industry production. Over the years we have created the vision, strategy and business plans for strategic institutions. Some we planned have now been operating for between 20 and 30 years others are new. Each institution fulfills a needed function in the marketplace, serving as a bridge between universities and industry, delivering focused translational research, pre-competitive innovation, carrying out early stage commercialization and supporting industry cluster growth, often anchoring technology parks. Institutions are catalytic and anchoring elements in today’s fast changing technology-driven economy.
Biomedical Institute of the Americas (BMIA)
Children’s Hospital Research Institute (CHORI) Advisory Services
SATAI (StarTech) Plan
San Jose Environmental Business Cluster Evaluation
National Institute for Nanotechnology, Canada (Case)
Research Institute for Systems Science (NTT Data, RISS)
Malaysia (Assessment)
Maryland Technology Strategy
Michigan (Assess Strategic Investment & Research Excellence Fund)
Minnesota Technology Strategy |
MBI International
NASA Regional Tech Center Appraisal
Osaka TechInfra 21 (Strategy)
OzScience, Queensland (Business Plan)
Portland Biomedical Incubator
Ramallah IT Incubator (West Bank)
Queensland “Smart Community” Assessment
Salerno Self-Fertilizing Incubator
Thailand (Assessment)
Woman’s Hospital Research Center Plan, Baton Rouge
Science & Technology Park Strategy
Science and technology parks have become very popular globally. Yet, they often lack sufficient market responsiveness and lead to slow scale-up of occupancy. 20 years ago we redefined S&T parks as “micro-economies” that anchor and energize regional economic growth. Download James Gollub two-part article: “Regional Cluster Strategy and Successful Science & Technology Parks" - Part 1 & Part 2. We have provided innovation-driven economic planning that leads to more successful S&T parks that also power the surrounding economy. We begin by providing a strong and clear economic vision for each park—supported by sponsor, developer, city, and investors. We then actively engage the broader economy—including prospective tenants—in a collaborative strategy process with commitments from key stakeholders to next steps. From here we then craft business plans for and with a range of committed anchor tenants and programs. Our process catalyzes and sustains development from the start, avoiding the “orphan real estate” outcome. |
Bioteknia Phase I, Kuopio, Finland
Bratislava Virtual Tech Park, CR
Brompton, ON
Izumi Cosmopolis, Japan
Southwest as a Region of Innovation & Sandia S&T Park, NM
Sidi Abdellah Cyber Park, Algeria
Salerno Science & Technology Park
UCMBEST Center—Research Crescent
University of Idaho (Riverbend) Research & Training Park
University of Sunshine Coast Precinct
CSU Long Beach Research & Training Park (and incubator)
West Bank IT Park Pre-feasibility
Regional Economic Strategy
Since the early 1980s we have carried out comprehensive national, state and regional economic strategies globally using an integrated bottom-up, market-driven, collaborative process. Download James Gollub report: Cluster-based Economic Development—A Key to Regional Competitiveness. These initiatives generate many “small solutions, not grand illusions” for growth in each cluster in the region’s portfolio, leading to waves of change as well as concerted investments through “flagship” initiatives. |
Albuquerque, NM
Austin, TX
Bangalore, India
Trans-Danubia, Hungary
Baton Rouge, LA
Calgary, AB
Dominican Republic
East Tennessee/Oak Ridge
Edmonton, AB
El Paso, TX
Greater Metro NY
Great Lakes Economy (5 states)
Hanford Labs, WA Reuse
Heilongjiang, China
Hong Kong
Indiana |
Maribor, Slovenia
Okanagan, BC
Osaka, Japan
Ottawa, ON
Saginaw, MI
San Antonio, TX
San Francisco, CA
Silicon Valley, CA
South Africa
Southeast Los Angeles, CA
Southeast Michigan
Tianjin, China
United Arab Emirates
Ventura County, CA
Washington, D.C.
West Michigan
Market Strategy & Consumer Behavior
James Gollub Associates helps markets improve their innovation-driven economics. One core competency we offer is our deep knowledge and experience in identifying and shaping strategy for reaching consumers—whether business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B). Our founder was an earlier developer of the field of product specific consumer market segmentation and brings this knowledge to all our work, whether on the dynamics of innovation sources or their end-user markets. Clients have ranged from the world’s largest software firm to health care providers, insurers, real estate and financial institutions seeking to understand their markets. |
Social Network Technology Platform Positioning
Information Technology-user Typology-based Communities
Internet User Community Market Segmentation
Magazine Reader Segment Analysis & Strategy
Borrower Market Segment Typology
Men’s Fashion Consumer Typology Analysis
Natural Ingredient Food Venture Business Plan
Chinese Consumer Market Segmentation Analysis |
Technology Workforce Values by Age Cohort
Implications of Workforce Age Differences on Performance
Strategic Issues in Long Term Care and the Economy
Long Term Care Purchaser Typology
Older Adult Life Styles and Values Typology
Typology of American Food Purchasing and Preparation
Innovations in Financial Services for Older Adults